Debussy Trio at Mason Home Concerts 2/12/21

John Stodder for L.A. Opus

Mason Home Concerts February 12, 2021

On one unseasonably warm February night in West LA the Debussy Trio presented a concert of six compositions by living composers—Don Davis, Bruce Babcock, Gernot Wolfgang, Todd Mason, Bruce Broughton and Ian Krouse—that left the audience wanting more. It shouldn’t be such a rare experience for new classical music to sound fresh and emotionally relevant, but every piece delivered inspiration and joy. Without letup, the concert engaged the senses with music that etched vivid scenes in the mind’s eye, sometimes at a meditative pace, and other times with a rocking pulse.

SpringScape by Bruce Babcock evoked a sense of awakening, with its bell-like opening and its constant sense of movement and metamorphosis, with Dickstein’s harp launching us forward into what felt like a morning promenade, a scene full of energetic life.